Francis–Louden Mystical Orientation Scale (Francis, Louden, 2000a)
Please indicate, on the 1–5 scale each time, whether you can recognize having had each of the experiences listed below, ranging from 1 (to indicate that you have NEVER had the experience listed) to 5 (indicating that you have DEFINITELY had the experience listed).
Note: For each question, respondents were asked to record responses on a 1–5 scale, structured as follows:
Never had this experience 1 2 3 4 5 Definitely had this experience
1. Experiencing something that I could not put into words
2. Sensing God in the beauty of nature
3. Brief glimpses into the heart of things
4. Being overwhelmed by a sense of wonder
5. Feeling at one with the universe
6. Losing a sense of time, place and person
7. Being absorbed within the Divine
8. Feeling moved by a Power or Presence beyond description
9. Knowing that I was surrounded by a Presence
10. Transient visions of the transcendental
11. Being in a state of mystery outside my body 12. Feeling at one with all living things
13. Being conscious of only timelessness and eternity
14. Losing myself in a greater being
15. Being aware of more than I could ever describe
16. Hearing God speak to me
17. Passing moments of Divine revelation
18. Being grasped by a Power beyond my control
19. Sensing the unity in all things
20. The merging of past, present and future
21. Feeling myself absorbed in the depths of being